The Top Heavy Nature of Communism
“Read Theory before talking to me”
“You should Read Theory instead of reacting to ideas you don’t understand”
“Please get off Twitter and Read Theory”
“And Read Theory. Be a better leftist.”
In Karl Marx’s work he describes the flaws of capitalism, the bourgeois, the proletariat, and the Revolution. His book, Das Kapital, is a critique of capitalism. In all Marx’s writing he never really described what the system would look like. He merely describes the stages of capitalism and the transfer into communism. He was an economic critic, not a political scientist, or a sociologist. Later communist leaders and thinkers would work to fill the gaps in his work.
If you ever venture into any communist discussion or debate on the internet you will, inevitably, run into the words “Read Theory”.” Theory is the myriad of works written by communist thinkers since Marx’s death. Some of the more popular works are written by communist leaders like Lenin or Mao.
There are reading and study lists, preferred authors, and even schools of communist thought associated with theory. That’s how you get distinctions like Leninism, Stalinism, and Maoism.
I believe that communism is largely an intellectual pursuit perpetuated by a class of people unable or unwilling to actually engage in communist work. It started as intellectual pursuit, it will die an unfulfilled intellectual pursuit.
Communism as an ideal lends its self beautifully to theoretical discussion. Any flaws are usually dismissed with “it wasn’t real communism, it never happened, or that was praxis and good actually.” Theorizing can continue unabated by practical application.
The idea of the Vanguard of the Proletariat proves this belief. I’m not going to waste your time with theory or some complicated definition. The vanguard is the dirty poor working class who will actually die in the revolution because no modern communist thinker wants to get their own hands dirty or risk their life.
Need further proof, that these intellectuals aren’t going to be doing the grunt work?
Popular communist thinkers and influencers are unrelatable to the working class. Hasan Piker sitting on his computer watching YouTube videos while tips pour in can’t and won’t relate to Blue collar America. A wealthy academic who has never left the ivory tower can’t connect with rural farmers and ranchers. Terminally online leftists will never convince those who rarely surf the web.
Some communists know this.
Hi, I’m Michael Vincent Hawthorne, sole writer for the Midnight Variety Hour. Pieces like this are the reason I can’t limit myself to a single topic blog. I have tons of ideas and opinions and this is a great outlet for sharing those ideas. Feel free to subscribe to get more pieces the second they come out. I also have a Substack if you want to follow me over there.