The Election of 2024: Whoever Wins, We Lose
The candidates for the 2024 election are abysmal. Nikki Haley, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump are all god awful candidates with their own sets of issues and problems. We will be getting the news cycle of how this is “the most important election of our lives” again.
As long as Duopoly candidates are still on the ticket, the American people will always lose.
Nikki Haley
She’s still not out yet and might become the VP for Trump.
Nikki Haley is a return to a dark and nasty time in America’s history: Neoconservatism.
Critics of Trump often fail to, or hand-wave the downright heinous actions committed by previous Republican presidents, opting instead to focus on election shenanigans. Some of these critics (cough Rick Wilson cough excuse me) either worked for neocons or were neocons. You can see the conflict of interest.
George W. Bush took the highest public trust in the US government in decades and used it to start an illegal war to raise Halliburton’s stock price. He introduced torture, kidnapping, the fucking Patriot Act, and Unitary Executive Theory (which Trump just tweeted about).
The man is a fucking war criminal.
Nikki Haley is a return to all this.
She still owns Boeing stock after being on its board, and she’s a part of an advocacy group, United Against a Nuclear Iran. The United Against Nuclear Iran want to start military strikes against Iran directly. Her husband, although in the South Carolina National Guard, allegedly owns Allied Defense, a hydraulic company that works with the US military.
The Haley family makes a lot of money off of war, and she is the biggest war hawk we’ve seen in a while, making her a potential Dick Cheney II
She should not be our president or the VP if/when Trump kicks the bucket.
Joe Biden
The Economy
You can’t talk about a recession for two years, then take a heel turn and suddenly pretend everything is great. Most people have probably never taken a macroeconomics class, and the last recession they remember was 2008.
Most people’s understanding of the economy could probably be boiled down to the prices of stuff, so Dems and their media lackeys constantly yelling “But the GDP, but the GDP” in their faces doesn’t help.
Hint: No one fucking cares about the GDP, and they absolutely shouldn’t.
This is a failure on the Biden Administration and on the propaganda arm of the DNC. He shouldn’t get that much credit for the economy, either, seeing as most of his economic growth was a bounce back from COVID.
While Biden has been effective in some areas (credit where credit is due I suppose) like student loan cancellation. In other areas, like energy, he’s failed.
In the first part of his presidency, he shut down the Keystone pipeline. He fucked over union labor and destroyed our energy independence. He has put some money into nuclear energy, but the near-myopic focus on “green” energy leaves much to be desired. Imagine the jobs and GDP growth if we built nuclear power plants.
He and the Democrats still haven’t passed voter legislation, despite that being a major goal of his administration. Yes, I can criticize the party when two of their own can’t even support it.
Build Back Better died and was replaced by the Inflation Reduction Act, again due to the failure of the Democrats to get their shit together. A good portion of the Inflation Reduction Act was funding for government agencies and stricter tax enforcement. There was almost zero infrastructure spending. While we won’t know for a while, the bill probably didn’t play a role in the slowdown in inflation.
That’s not even what the people want. I’m willing to bet most people think inflation will go down and prices will return to pre-COVID numbers. But they won’t, and people will still be pissed about high prices.
Can’t shout about how the numbers are good and expect people to suddenly think the economy is doing well.
So much for building back better.
Foreign Policy
Rick Wilson can try and gaslight the American people all he wants. Biden is not a foreign policy genius. His withdrawal from Afghanistan was an Embarrassment. Both Ukraine and Israel erupted under his watch. China is inching closer to war with Taiwan. Africa is now embroiled in conflict.
While gives him some decent grades, the one Americans actually give a shit about, our southern border, remains a trash fire.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott just ignored a Supreme Court ruling and even set up more razor wire along Texas’ southern border. Congress and the President continue to fail to enact any sort of meaningful legislation regarding our southern border, and regular Americans and Mexicans continue to pay the price for it.
The Personal
Biden is fucking old. He is the oldest president we’ve had, which is not a record we should keep breaking.
You can argue that Biden used to have a stammer/stutter. If that’s the case, why is his stammer is making such a raging comeback? Why does it sometimes make it impossible for him to make a complete sentence?
He will be 86 if he finishes out his second term. You know some sharp 86-year-olds, and I know some sharp 86-year-olds, but Biden’s cognitive ability is in serious question.
I wouldn’t want any of my grandparents still working, not due to their cognitive ability, but because they are currently enjoying retirement. Eventually, enough is enough and new blood needs to enter the system. People should be able to enjoy their last years, not get thrown into the stress meat grinder that is the American Presidency.
His son Hunter isn’t just a coke head. You may get all sad and sympathetic when you hear about Hunter being dragged through Congress for his coke problem. The man is engaged in a corruption scandal, in both Ukraine and China. Corruption Joe Biden might’ve been party to.
Anyone who tries to frame it as Hunter just having a coke problem is Lying To Your Face. The famous laptop Dems and their propaganda arm have been downplaying for four fucking years just got verified by Biden’s own Department of Justice.
Why We Lose
This is easy. We get four more years of an old man trying and failing to piece things together with a constantly fragmenting party. The Democrats are objectively more stable and united than the shitshow that is the GOP, but failures to pass BBB and voting legislation are going to hurt them in the long run. Also,
Kamala Harris
The fact that Kamala Harris, the worst the justice system has to offer, is second in line to the most powerful office in the world is an international embarrassment.
Given Biden’s advanced age, there is an increasingly good chance he dies either on the campaign trail or in office, leaving us with Kamala Harris as president. If her time as a prosecutor in California is a predictor for her hypothetical presidency, we would be in for a ride to hell. An executive tyrant bringing out the worst of executive authority, while the propaganda arm of legacy mainstream media cleans up any mess she makes.
Donald Trump
I have not made my beliefs on this man very clear. Allow me to do so.
I hate the man.
I hate his policy.
I hate his ideas.
I hate his fans.
I hate his appointments.
I hate his detractors.
I Hate Donald Trump.
Donald Trump billed himself as an outsider ready to fix the problems of the American government, he then turned around and became the worst the system had to offer.
Is he a fascist who tried to incite an insurrection?
Nope. That would require Trump to actually get something done, which he famously couldn’t do.
That’s not totally true. But when the biggest win of his administration was a tax cut for the donor class, you know he’s in trouble.
He also signed the red-flag gun-grabbing law, because that sets such an amazing precedent for the rest of our rights, and was such an amazing idea in general (shake my fucking head). He did this with Bill Barr, who was in charge of the Justice Department during Ruby Ridge, who then tried to exonerate the sniper who shot Vicki Weaver in the face while holding her newborn child.
Barr said he’d do it again in reference to red flag laws. Wow, what a “conservative president.”
He was impeached twice.
He appointed Ben Carson, a world-renowned neurosurgeon, as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
He supported Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen. It really pokes a hole in that “no new wars” idea.
He created the Space Force for some fucking reason, and it’s not even cool. There is no power armor (shake my fucking head again).
You know his failures. I know his failures.
Trump is also fucking old. He’s a few years younger than Biden, but that also brings up questions of who his VP will be and how his cognition will hold up.
The only way Trump projects any sort of authority is on social media, which isn’t real life and isn’t real policy.
Think about it this way. If we get Trump, we get four more years of anti-Trump coverage, and that was so fucking aggravating to deal with the first time.
I’ve been told my wish for a better candidate, a “prince that was promised,” is unrealistic.
No shit, because I’m not asking for the prince that was promised.
What we’re getting in 2024 is two creepy old guys who may or may not die in the near future. Both are embroiled in scandals (one more severe than the other). Both can’t keep their parties together. Both will probably have terrible VPs; we’re still waiting on Trump. Both have an incredible amount of failures under their belt.
Whoever wins in 2024, the American people will lose.